Tuesday, July 29, 2008

20 in 1: Cleaning Up And Adrenal Fatigue

No work for me today!

I took a day off to study for my neuro exam on thursday.
(as usual, i still can't get my butt off my bed and start studying)

I feel so relieved right now, yesterday, my work load was CRAZY!!!

Apparently, there's this oh-so-responsible writer who screwed up.
I mean, totally screwed up big time! And since I haven't got a
working assignment from my boss yesterday, guess what..

I ended up cleaning his mess.

I actually had to edit 20 articles, all about adrenal fatigue.

Well, to be specific, I edited 19 and made 1 article.
(since there was a missing file in the zip folder)

And to be even more specific, I ended up
REWRITING 19!!! and creating one article.

It turned out to be that the oh-so-genius writer
had plagiarized majority of his work. (Thank God for Copyscape!)
I mean like full copy paste of whole paragraph blocks!!!
Copyscape was very colorful indeed.

So, I had to clean up the dirty work all in one day (14 hours to be exact).

20 articles all in one sitting.

I need a life.

***interesting facts i learned from the adrenal fatigue project***

- our adrenal glands get tired too!

- when you keep on having the same stress stimulus (heartbreak, family problems,school stress etc.) for a very long time, your adrenal glands have been secreting hormones for depression/stress for that long too..and time comes that it simply gets tired.

-give yourself (or atleast your adrenal glands) a favor, be happy for one day (at least, if you can), so that it won't get tired.

- if your glands do get tired, it ends up breaking out. -> adrenal fatigue

-your ad glands poduce "cortisol", -> the one responsible for your lower belly fat.

-> the more depressed/stressed you are, the more cortisol it produces.

->the more cortisol you've got, the more you get big.

-> then you live the sedentary life.

-> sedentary as in...BUHAY BABOY.

->you get problems waking up in the morning

-> you get insomnia

-> you keep on relying on caffeine and other stimulants just to get you through the day. (*caching! B-I-N-G-O!!!)

->you get depressed, moody.

-> you get BRAIN FOG a.k.a. MEMORY BLOCK. a.k.a the feeling you get when taking your NEURO exam.

-> you feel so energetic during evenings

-> methinks me is positive for adrenal fatigue.

-> methinks i have to study for neuro now.

->me needs to get a life.