got this site from stat in symb :)
FAITH is the most popular name in USA (... 855.mike , 856.sudha , , 858.rama , 859.jodi ...). One in every 5,663 Americans are named as FAITH and popularity of name FAITH is 176.59 people per million.
If we compare the popularity statistics of FAITH to USA's population statistics, we can estimate that as of October.30.2008 11:27 there are 53,909 people named as FAITH in the United States and the number of FAITH's are increasing by 464 people every year.
Usage of faith as a middle name is slightly more common than its usage as a first name. The sum of alphabetical order of letters in FAITH is 44 and this makes FAITH arithmetic buddies with words like Gamer, Grand.FAITH in Sign Language :
FAITH in Morse Code :
FAITH in Marine Flag Language :
FAITH as a Bar code:
(ayaw lumabas ng image dito sa multi eh hehe)
Names That Includes FAITH as a Whole
Maryfaith, FaithnkeechCompatible Names with FAITH According to First Letters
Compatible Names According to First 4 Letters (FAIT) - Names That Begins with fait:
Compatible Names According to First 3 Letters (FAI) - Names That Begins with fai:
Faisal, Faiz, Faina, Fai, Fair, Faiza, Fain, Fairbanks, Faison, Fairfax, Faiyaz, Faine, Fairey, Fairchild, Fairbank, Faizan, Fairman, Faizi, Faiqa, FairweatherCompatible Names According to First 2 Letters (FA) - Names That Begins with fa:
Faye, Fay, Farid, Fadi, Fatima, Farhad, Farah, Farrell, Farooq, Fabian, Farouk, Fabio, Fayez, Farrukh, Farzana, Fahim, Fausto, Fang, Farida, FarhatRhyming Names with faith According to Last Letters
Rhyming Names According to Last 4 Letters (AITH) - Names That Ends with aith:
Laith, Ghaith, Galbraith, Straith, QuyenthaithRhyming Names According to Last 3 Letters (ITH) - Names That Ends with ith:
Keith, Judith, Smith, Meredith, Edith, Griffith, Ajith, Meridith, Nishith, Kennith, Kerith, Leith, Lalith, Basith, Ranjith, Beckwith, Kenith, Monteith, Sujith, ArdithRhyming Names According to Last 2 Letters (TH) - Names That Ends with th:
Kenneth, Elizabeth, Beth, Ruth, Seth, Elisabeth, Garth, Nath, Ellsworth, Heath, Marybeth, Roth, Worth, Gareth, Lizabeth, Vishwanath, Barth, Lisbeth, Lizbeth, BoothCompatible Names with FAITH According to First and Last Letters
First Names which starts with fa and ends with th :
Farnsworth, Fazilath, FairclothThe sum of alphabetical order of letters in FAITH is 44:
F | A | İ | T | H | TOTAL |
6 | 1 | 9 | 20 | 8 | 44 |
With this sum name FAITH ranks as name according to its aritmetic value (... 7686.minh, 7687.erika,, 7689.emile, 7690.andy ...). There are 703 other names which have the same sum of 44 in our database (0.94%)
Most common names with the same aritmetic sum of 44 are:
allen, brian, ray, hugh, helen, jos, abraham, brenda, gregg, tina, hong, hope, minh, erika, emile, andy, dante, chul, archie, rajan
Some words from the dictionary with the same aritmetic sum of 44 are:
gamer, grand
Courtesy of
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