Thursday, July 24, 2008

manila airport review

I was researching for my articles about traveling to Italy when I came across this website And so, I browsed their site and decided to see their airport reviews. Just for fun I tried to look up Philippines on the list, and there was a link on Manila airport... surprise surprise, this is what they had to say:

This Airport is a
2007 Poopy Airport MANILA, Philippines

"I've been to almost all the airports in the worlds but i just cant compare Manila Airport to those rising 3rd world countries. Seem that NAIA is left out in the DARK age." (TPMAN 199)
"If you find a seat be prepared to defend it at all costs!" (Big Tone)
"Philippines Airport = not very nice (except for the new terminals of PAL). Overnight in a Manila Airport = NO NO NO" (Seb)
"that airport employees are the worst money hustlers around." (Steven)
"Everywhere everyone asks for bribes. Never offer them anything. Act as if you do not know what they are saying and just walk past them. " (Native Filipino)

What you can look forward to:

* unfriendly staff
* boring
* not clean
* hard seats
* corruption, bribery, scams
* overcrowded
* chaos
* keep your bags close
* WiFi in the PAL lounge

*** here's the link if you want to see the real thing

I really don't know to react on this since I was still a kid when I last went to NAIA.
What can you say?